Envisage is a full service leather accessories company,
but more importantly, it is also an idea.
The idea being that the world is never the same place twice and therefore we must be a fluid and always expanding collection of capabilities. Our task is not simply to service our client’s needs as they exist today, but to anticipate and participate in reimagining what the market will require tomorrow. This is our reason to exist.
We took the first step in 2007. Envisage was formed as a joint venture here in New York City with a large, well established factory in Dongguan, China. This was done as a way to rethink the conventional wisdom of the time. US brands had all gone offshore to China achieving cost savings, but they had cut corners ever since they moved the production line there, resulting a huge conflict between their vision and actions. On the other hand, we felt by closing that gap between designers and factories was the only way out. We could do it better.
Working with several of America’s premier brands, we established the principle that the choice between price and quality was a false one. Since laying down this founding principle, we have continued to build our capabilities both horizontally across geographic regions and vertically through all facets of the process. We currently offer a full range of services, from strategy and branding, merchandising, product concept to design, sourcing and manufacturing, to delivering a finished product to your warehouse. We can help you to create and refine your vision, while providing reliable and consistent execution in all phases. We are a turnkey leather goods capability.
And you can be certain, we will be something more tomorrow.